Thursday, 10 March 2016

Optimism 101 - It Will Get Better

Image from http://positivedoodles,
Confession time: I'm in a bit of a slump. I'm in that strange, dark, "after graduation" limbo. Truth be told, I'm having a hell of a time getting motivated to do much of anything, (hence the lack of updates - sorry guys!) and the job search process has me more discouraged than I've felt in a while. And right now, though it feels like the absolute worst, I know that it will get better. Because it always does. Looking back on the last few years, I can honestly tell you that I've been down, man. Like really down. Like the "never planned to see 30" kind of down. I've made some really bad choices, been on the receiving end of some serious bullshit, gotten myself into, and subsequently out of, some really sticky situations. I've drank dangerously (and way too frequently) and experimented with some things (read: drugs), each time hoping it would be the last time. And, if three years ago you told me that one day, I'd be OK, I never would have believed you.

But you know what? You'd have been right.

Image from
And through it all, I learned that things always get better, and that this too shall pass. I realize that it
never seems that way - I'm a realistic person, and I know that it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you're deep in the shit. I never thought I'd be happy, off medication, or well adjusted. I never thought I'd leave a job I was unhappy at after eight years. I never dreamed of coming out of the closet, slowing down at the bar and putting the party days behind me. But I did. It wasn't always ideal, and some things were easier to walk away from than others, but it was worth it. Things will always get better - all you have to do is shake it up a bit. Start making a few positive changes, and the rest will fall in line.

And so, here's a little gift just in time for Music Therapy Awareness Month - I give you some encouragement in the form of a quick playlist. Here's Optimism 101:

The Beatles - Getting Better
Bleachers - I Wanna Get Better
Rilo Kiley - A Better Son/Daughter
NERD - Things Are Getting Better
First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining
Modest Mouse - Float On
Sia - Death By Chocolate
Tom Petty - Won't Back Down (I used to belt this one out whilst driving in my car when things were really bad)
Born Ruffians - We Made It
Florence + The Machine - Shake it Out
Say Anything - Do Better
And, for Barb Murphy, Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

She's A Jukebox Hero's Official Women's Day Playlist

Happy International Women's Day! 

The first ever IWD was celebrated in 1908, and while we've come a long, long way, there's still a long way to go. Nonetheless, it gives me great hope to know that we're continuing to work together towards a future where we are ALL equal, and where 'feminist' isn't a dirty word. And, though Lisa Simpson was worried that we'd come up in a world where our role models would be as empty as Malibu Stacey, rest assured there are plenty of ass-kickin' ladies in history to look up to. 

As for me, anyone who knows me (or reads this blog), will know that my lady-heroes are the ones who rock. Women in the music industry have always been present, and they continue to dominate the industry both behind the scenes and on stage. In honour of them, I've compiled a playlist, featuring some of my favourite women in music. These women inspire me, and listening to them reminds me that I'm capable of damn near anything. And you are too! So, for all the lovely ladies in my life (whomever you are, however you identify), here's my official Women's Day playlist. Turn it up and give'r. Girl power!!